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The Meagan Method

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Tersia Esbach
Tersia Esbach
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I met this 20 something-year-old, and never in my wildest dreams did i anticipate the impact that she will have on my life. Two years after meeting Meagz, my whole body has changed, I have changed. I have never been as healthy and fit in my life, not even when I was a kid. The best thing is my body is strong and I don’t hate the word exercise or gym anymore, completely the opposite. I am in a way “addicted”, I can’t function optimally without going to the gym every morning at 6 am, and I have never been an early morning person, that is how important it is to me. I am not athletic, I don’t like sport, but I love every session I have with Meagz and the team. Meagan is an exceptional trainer. She is young, extremely well-qualified, fully of energy, strong-minded and caring. When I started to train with her I inform her of what I will do and what I won't do, e.g. I don’t run on a treadmill, she listened…she worked with me, my mind and my body. I am happy to say today I run 5km twice a week, and I am enjoying it. She focuses on detail, and in a systematic, professional and supportive way, she invites you to try new exercises. I have never failed at anything we tried; I would not have been able to do it without her influence and guidance. To exercise with Meagan is everything but boring, in every session there is something new, always. Meagan has these weird and wonderful things she makes you do, the next day you feel it, you are stiff and walking normally is sometimes a challenge, but it is a good feeling. I have trained with her for more than seven years now, we train 5 days a week. This is the best investment I have ever done! She introduced me to balance, I eat healthily, I never starve, I eat things I enjoy and I am mentally and physically in exactly the place I want to be. In summary, Meagan is always willing to accommodate my busy schedule, she will go out of her way to make time around my availability, I truly appreciate it. I really enjoy my training session; I have seen amazing results (I have lost 27kg (and I am short J, and I have stayed on the same weight for 5 years now) I think differently and I act differently…it is like my second life. A happy and content one. Thanks, Meagz!
Lorin Sky Swarts
Lorin Sky Swarts
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My fitness journey started 6 years ago. My 2 year ‘’relationship body’’ hit me hard and I had 10 kg to lose. I was encouraged by The Meagan Method to take things in stages, focusing on the end result, which was a total lifestyle change, versus a quick fit in order to get the summer body I wanted in 3 months. Shedding 10kg took me to almost 2 years but I kept it off through constant support and routine. It was not only about cutting back on weight but understanding how important mental health is. I not only shed the weight but all my negative thoughts towards myself simultaneously. For that I will always be grateful. My next Stature journey with The Meagan Method was shredding for the wedding. Fitting into a size 8 wedding dress was something I could not have done without the determination and weekly goals set out by Meagz. My career started booming taking over most of my life post wedding which put me on the back end of staying fit but in that time I fell pregnant. I am excited for my postpartum training and next phase of my health and fitness journey. Thank you to Meagan and her Stature team for the constant support over the years and always motivating me to stay healthy, active and keep a positive mindset.
Claire Hauptfleisch
Claire Hauptfleisch
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It’s the benefits that aren’t immediately obvious that make Meagan so exceptional at what she does. The extra items of clothing that were stashed away for thinner days, the bikini that required a little more confidence and a little less centimeters, the sultry looks from the husband-to-be, or the dream wedding dress that fits perfectly. Then, of course, feeling great and a body that you can be proud of. While these benefits come with any effective exercise regime, the difference with Meagan’s program is that you actually want to put in the work. And if, by chance, you’re not feeling it, Meagan is there to inspire (read: force) enthusiasm. Her workouts are never the same and never boring, which is perfect for intellectuals with wandering minds. She keeps the level of quality almost as high as the quality of the results. And that is the point. Sure, I felt good, got stronger, felt healthier and had more energy but, most importantly, I dropped centimetres and looked so much better in my wedding dress. Meagan pushed me to the limits she knew I had, not those implied by my limiting beliefs. This, in my opinion, is the main reason why I saw results. The Meagan method program is all it’s cracked up to be, which is why it’s also the program I’m choosing to sort out the damage my Honeymoon binging has caused.
Bronwyn Matthews
Bronwyn Matthews
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The Meagan Method has literally saved my life. With 50kg to lose, Meagan adapted her Programme to my fitness levels from day 1. Each personalized session varied and my body responded positively, to the point that I am no longer a couch potato and look forward to my workouts. She has done so much for me, from bi-monthly assessments, daily motivation and Social Media posts to keep me accountable. I am halfway to my goal and never looking back! Meagan’s passion and drive for client results makes all the difference. I will be forever grateful to have joined her Fitfam...
Tamsin Matthews
Tamsin Matthews
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I was just looking for a fitness expert to tell me what to do and push me to do it. Enter the straight-shooting tell-it-like-it-is Meagan. Not only did I get the expertise and motivation I wanted but also the support and personalised attention (I didn't know) I needed. I've truly gained so much, not just weight loss, increased energy and huge health benefits, but I now consider Meagan an integral Partner in my health and fitness journey. I wouldn't do it without her!
Yvonne Rocha
Yvonne Rocha
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It was about 2 years ago that I walked into Statue and met Meagan. The fitness environment she has created at Statue is a testament to who she is and what she embodies. Two years on, I am surrounded by the most amazing fit family and Meagan is not only my trainer she has become a true friend.
Natalie Bradfield
Natalie Bradfield
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I was always active and majorly involved in team sports back in school. But things went down hill in university until I was introduced to the meagan method. She kept Motivation levels high, worked my butt off with a dynamic program and I felt like I was part of a team again. Since leaving South Africa, I still continue to incorporate the meagan method into my fitness program.
Tamara Thomas
Tamara Thomas
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I've absolutely loved the Meagan Method 8 week tranformation Guide. I was fighting so many internal battles with myself after my injury and I feel like those doubts and insecurities were slowly kicked away with every week that passed. I actually love me again, I feel confident and know that this is only the beginning of becoming the best version of myself. I really enjoyed Meagans positive reinforcement and a little tough love when needed. She reminded me that even though I was busy that doing something for me and something that was going to make me feel lekker was not the thing I should cut out of my day. I am feeling so motivated that I am taking on these 8 weeks all over again and setting new goals for myself.
Justine Richter
Justine Richter
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8 weeks ago while scrolling through posts, I saw mention of @themeaganmethod and decided to read a little further... Little did I know that I was about to begin an incredible 8 week journey that will completely change my eating habits, relationship with exercise, my mood and my overall feelings towards myself.. The meagan method is an awesome program that helps you create a lifestyle that is enjoyable and most importantly, easy to maintain. What started as "wedding shredding" and just wanting to lose a few cms turned into me realizing how much I can achieve if I push myself. ⏩ 12 weeks ⬇️ 16 kg ⬇️ 75 cm down ⬇️ 2 jeans sizes 👏😄 and Meagan was there for every minute of it. I still have quite a way to go before I reach my goals but I feel so ready to start my next journey with Meagan. ♡
Caylin October
Caylin October
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After going through a traumatic experience with my family, I started digging into food to help cope with my feelings. I was in denial about how much weight I picked up and after constantly complaining to my husband about it, he told me to have a look at Meagan’s Instagram and after seeing how amazing all her clients were doing I contacted her immediately. She drew up a meal plan and 12 week workout plan for me. As soon as I started, I felt extremely motivated and inspired by her. Meagan was there for me every step of the way and always pushing me to do my best. The results were amazing. I could already see a difference a few weeks after starting with the program. I felt healthier, more energised and happier! I’m 8 months pregnant at the moment but I am definitely jumping right back into it with her once I am ready! I cannot Thank Meagan enough for all her help and for having such an impact on my life.
Kelli Clifton
Kelli Clifton
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Meagan transformed my body during one of the toughest times of my life and I will be forever grateful to her for that. She understands what’s best for your body and tailor-makes a programme that leaves you feeling and looking the best version of yourself. She is supportive, regardless and will be your biggest cheerleader throughout your exercise journey. I wouldn’t want to train with anyone else.
Ingrid Mckeever
Ingrid Mckeever
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I decided to do the Meagan method program with my sister for my wedding. As I live in Germany I had to do the online program for 2 months. Meagan’s workouts pushed my body harder than its ever been pushed before. I have never felt so strong and fit before. I did it all on my own in my apartment, so I had to keep motivating myself throughout each workout. It was a challenge not only for my body but for my mind as well! But I proved to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thank you Meagan for the constant support and for taking care of my sis, Natalie Bradfield, in Cape Town!

Note to self:

Remember that reason you are doing this, is to make your life better.