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The Meagan Method

A u t h e n t i c |
F e m i n i n e | O p t i m i s t i c

F i t n e s s | H e a l t h | I n s p i r a t i o n a l

Transformation Guide

My 8 week guide for overcoming unhealthy habits and forming new health, fitness and mental wellness pathways.

I am so incredibly excited and next level proud to bring you the first of many @themeaganmethod books / ebooks.


What is it ?
It’s an 8 week fitness, health and mental wellness transformation plan.

This includes :

  •  Daily fitness challenges and training programs planned by me – @themeaganmethod !
  • Daily eating plan to put you on a healthy lifestyle – one thats doable, one that’s easy to maintain after the 8 weeks and one that can and should become your lifestyle. 
  • Daily affirmations helping you reset your mind on a daily basis! Your mind is where it all starts and knowing and believe that you are worth it is the most important aspect of this journey! Self worth is so important. 
  • Daily motivational quotes to light fire under your butts on the days that you need that extra push (how characteristically me)
  • A daily journal where you reflect on the day and over time see how your entire mindset changes.I want you to fall in love with exercise, health and overall wellness.
  • Every 2 weeks : measurements day ! And check in from me ♥️ I have to keep you accountable – I’ll be on this journey with you and support you when ever it’s needed.
This is a way to take back your fitness! To take back your health! To take back your life !
It’s a guide for absolutely anyone wanting to transform their mind, body and soul!

And it’s a journey that will totally transformation your life.


R695 pdf version
R795 hard copy book

Cook Book

 20 Afrikaans inspired SECRET family recipes along with 20 of the healthier fit girl versions 

I am so incredibly excited and next level proud to bring you the second of many @themeaganmethod books / ebooks 
What is it ?
Its a baking bible
This includes :
  • 20 of my TOP family recipes – in English but Afrikaans inspired – think rusks, brownies, bread, cupcakes with butter icing, delicious cakes, soet KOEKIES and loads more !
  • Right next to each of these – the delicious – BUT MUCH HEALTHIER- versions of these recipes !
  • It’s the baking cookbook anyone and everyone should have !
All the recipes are easy to read and super easy to follow ! 
The recipes are straight forward and next level delicious – they have all been tried and tested numerous times and the best part – the entire family will love them ! 
This is a perfect baking cookbook for any sweet tooth with a fitness problem ! 

Cook Book

R495 pdf version
R595 hard copy book

Discipline is choosing what you want most over what you want now.