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The Meagan Method

A u t h e n t i c |
F e m i n i n e | O p t i m i s t i c

F i t n e s s | H e a l t h | I n s p i r a t i o n a l

Wedding Shredding

This concept happened over a coffee with my best friend.

She was getting married and asked me to help her become toned – even though she definitely didn’t need it.

The line Shredding for the Wedding was born as well as the concept. 

I have transformed and helped 10 brides and their Maids of Honour, shred for their wedding at Stature through my Meagan Method program. 

I LOVE seeing a happy, fit and healthy bride walk down the isle and ensure that they do it the healthy way in order to stay as fit and as healthy post wedding after the stress has subsided.  

This is officially the place to come to as a bride to be, groom to be or wedding party. 

It can help absolutely anyone looking to shed unwanted kilos and cm’s, tone up, gain knowledge, purchase training programs or eating plans and gain answers to questions you may not have thought of.

Wedding shredding package: 

  • Bride package:

2 or 3 sessions per week, for 8  to 12 weeks.  

*4 week crash course available.  

  • Bridal package for you and your wedding party:

2 to 3 sessions per week, for 8 to 12 weeks. 

*4 week crash course available. 

  • Husband and wife package: 

2 to 3 sessions per week. for 8 to 12 weeks. 

*4 week crash course available.

ONLINE TRAINING for wedding specific training available: 1, 2 or 3 month plan available 

The Fray

A 3 day retreat merging fitness, healthy food and psychology.

Fray is one of my favourite Meagan Method business concepts. 
It is a weekend detox getaway,  60 km from Cape Town, along the West Coast. 

Mornings start with a vibey Meagan Method fitness session. This is followed by daily activities including getting your hair and nails done, meeting with a Life Coach and Nutritionist creating a plan forward for your life. A deep tissue massage and a daily sunset yoga and meditation session.
A qualified chef supplies breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. All sugar, preservative and toxin free. 

Organic, healthy and clean is the idea for the weekend.    

Clients that join this weekend leaves with a 12 week fitness plan, eating plan and life coaching plan with 3 follow up appointments with their coaches. 

Personal Training

The most unique personal training experience you’ll ever find.


My secret weapon?
Combining my Sports Science background, a vast knowledge on injuries and the rehabilitation of said injuries, my Pilates, Personal Training and Group Fitness training background and my vast knowledge on Nutrition and Holistic Wellness  – you are without a doubt in the right hands. 


Personalised 1 hour sessions including a warmup pre training stretch and post training. Monthly measurements and help with your nutrition if warranted. I am here to help you reach your goals in the happiest healthiest and fittest way possible.   

Group Training

Personalised training but within a group setting of 1 – 10 people.


My secret weapon? 
My attention to detail and ability to multitask really well. Scared you’ll get lost in the group or perform the exercises incorrectly? There is no way of that happening.

Classes are well thought out, well structured and executed in a fun, exciting and easy to do manner. 

The classes are HIIT based, making use of your own body weight, Medicine Balls, Boxes, Weights, Kettlebells etc. Every session is completely different and the times are flexible, making it easy for anyone to join with any type of schedule. 

Class times: 
Monday: 6am and 5 pm 

Tuesday: 6am, 7am and 5 pm

Wednesday: 6am, 7am and 5 pm 

Thursday: 6am and 5 pm 

Friday: 6am and 7am 

Online Training

See Meagan Method 8 week guide details

This is an 8 week Transformation Guide created for you to use anywhere, anytime.

It is helped to change and transform many lives.

Keep those eyes peeled for MeaganMethod Guide 2.0

Coming out soon! 

Every day offers a new opportunity, go out and get it!

Contact me to join today!